Case Study 3D Systems Solid Imaging

Black & Decker

Black & Decker, in only 100 days, turns a product concept into 30 assembled and functioning prototypes and garners pending sales orders before production has even begun.

"Stereolithography is the only way these complex part surfaces could be built and delivered in any quantity within a demanding time frame."

- Jerry Moscovitch, President, Mass Engineered Design, Inc

@Work:Case Study -Black&Decker

The Challenge
Designers at Black & Decker had only 100 days to transform an idea for an improved shearer/shrub trimmer power tool into an attractive functioning prototype that could be introduced at an important trade show. The new power tool, which would expand the company's VersaPak outdoor power tool product line, had to undergo design, proofing, building, assembly and test of at least 30 copies of the product in that time frame. Failing to deliver functioning prototypes would put Black & Decker back one year in introducing the product to the market place.

The new concept would offer a more ergonomically designed shearer/shrub trimmer. This model would also be more streamlined in appearance. The new design was also to incorporate, in the single body of the trimmer, an easy-access battery pop-out.

The Results
Black & Decker turned to Mass Engineered Design, Inc., of Toronto, Ontario, where engineers used stereolithography (SL). SL dealt quickly with the complexity of the design features and was the only option Mass had to design and build 30 prototypes of the product in the 100-day time frame. A number of CAD and SL iterations were created to identify the best location for the patented battery pop-out design. The SL masters also produced prototypes on which to perform failure analysis of the injection-molding process. The first 30 cast urethane parts received paint and logo labels, and were assembled together with mechanical components to make them functioning power tools. SL gives Black & Decker the ability to:

  • Present new products before actual production begins
  • Meet delivery times without compromising quality and functionality
  • Iterate and verify the designs before committing to the product
  • Quickly test new product ideas with functioning prototypes
  • Evaluate individual components for fit during product assembly

The Process
Mass Engineered Design, Inc., working from product feature specifications, preliminary drawings and a hand-crafted model provided by Black & Decker, began by building a 3-D CAD model. X-ray tomography digitized the surface geometry of the hand-crafted model to create a CAD surface model, which was combined with product specifications to create a number of 3-D CAD models.

A design team that included toolmakers, molders and material suppliers, critiqued all CAD models. Approved design features were incorporated into the primary CAD file.

An SLA 500 built a master of product components from the approved CAD file. From these masters, Mass technicians created reusable rubber (RTV) molds, from which Mass ultimately vacuum-molded enough urethane plastic components to build 110 prototypes.

The initial 30 prototypes were painted, labeled with logos and assembled together with mechanical components. The now-functioning prototypes were tested, packaged and shipped before the 100-day deadline and in time for the trade show.

The attractive and functioning prototype products were a success at the trade show, garnering a number of sales orders. Black & Decker could move the now successful product into full production.

The Tools

  • SLA 500 with Cibatool SL 5180 resin
  • Pro/ENGINEER Solid Modeling CAD software
  • Alias Studio software
  • X-Ray Tomography
  • Imageware software

Company Profile
Black & Decker is a global marketer and manufacturer of quality products used in and around the home and for commercial applications. Black & Decker product lines hold leading market share positions in their respective industries. It is the world's largest producer of portable electric power tools, power tool accessories, residential security hardware, and electric lawn and garden tools.

Mass Engineered Design, Inc., is a full-service product development firm with advanced prototyping facilities in Toronto, Canada. Using Pro/ENGINEER and Alias Studio software, industrial designers and engineers provide design and manufacturing analysis, producing innovative design solutions. Mass and its current staff of 25 operate out of a 19,000 sq. ft. facility dedicated to product design and development, rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing.

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